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President's Message

2024- July

Presidents Message

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Hello from the Nevada Big I!    I am excited to serve as your 24-25 President!   We had a great time in San Diego for the Annual convention and installation of officers last month.  Perfect weather, great location, AMAZING speakers and of course comradery with all of our agents and carrier partners!   If you didn't make it to San Diego, I would really encourage you to start thinking of next year and join us..  we are hoping to be in the Lake Tahoe area but more details to come on that! 


I would really like to thank Scott Menath and the entire 23-24 Board of Directors for all that they did in the last term.   There is so much to get done again this coming year.  I have chosen a compass as my theme, with the 4 points designated as 1) Advocacy 2) Education 3) Member and Business Partner Engagement & 4) Empowering our Emerging Leaders.  


We look to this year to be very busy while our committee and board advocate for our agents. With the legislative session starting on February 3, 2025, it will be a busy, exciting and we hope engaging session.    Jared Rossi has agreed to take the position of the Legislation Chair with Rachael Rizzi's support.   Rachael has done a tremendous job over the last few years in this position, and we are so grateful but also looking forward to Jared leading that committee for this upcoming year.    Jared has a pro-active and aggressive plan for the up coming year.   Please support him when he reaches out to you for help on getting communication out to our members and others in our community.    Of course, we will continue our relationship with our lobbyist, Jim, and Jesse Wadhams as well this year.


As for Education, our ELC and Education Committees are planning new programs… more to come on this in the next few months.  Professional Development and the educational offerings are top of mind for me and is one of my favorite committees to be involved.


Member and Business Partner engagement will also be a large focus for me as well as the board of directors this year.   We can't express the appreciation we have for our Business Partners in not only their financial support but also how they continue to show up at events in person and engage with us and our independent agents.  Susan is working on the annual calendar and will have details coming soon for all the NIIA events.  Please encourage your office staff to participate and attend NIIA hosted events which we host and that our carrier/business partners sponsor.  This year will be full of opportunities at golf, education, holiday,  political, and fun events!

Emerging Leaders!! Let not forget our future.   Tracy Donahoe is taking on the leading role for the Emerging Leaders.  She has an abundance of fresh energy and ideas!  We will be supporting her with the Professional Development Series and the educational monthly virtual calls, Meeting of the Minds.  

Thank you in advance for your participation and support for this upcoming year and I look forward to seeing you at our in-person events as well as on the virtual ones! 

Francie Stocking

President, Nevada Independent Agents Association

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